Saturday, May 21, 2005

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

FoxShow #10 is almost up but in browsing Odeo, I found this cool tool!

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

A Wiki - WITHOUT any server side logic required. Now THAT is cool.

Only supports saving on Windows FireFox and IE but that looks like it's getting fixed and it automatically generates an RSS feed.

Did I mention that it only uses HTML, Java and CSS?
But they do note that it's NOT Ajax. Why?
AJAX is an acronym standing for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Although TiddlyWiki uses JavaScript extensively, it doesn't do anything with XML or XMLHttpRequest, so it doesn't really fit the category. - 25 BREAKOUT COMPANIES 2005: Odeo

This sounds like something very cool - taking podcasts and making them accessible by show OR channel tags.

Seeing as Evan started Blogger, he knows all about making it easy. I wish I was on the beta. - 25 BREAKOUT COMPANIES 2005: Odeo

The Post Money Value: The anatomy of "noise"

Great post about how "interview" was not verbatim and it caused all kinds of problems. Seems like Winer is doing this quite a bit these days.

The Post Money Value: The anatomy of "noise"

Ajax, promise or hype?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Running VFP 9 with Windows NT 4?

Saw a recent note from Woody

You may know, VFP9 (IDE and RT) are not working on NT4 based
systems due to a not resolved API call. This may get fixed in a possible SP, but until then maybe this statement by Rainer Becker (Leader of the German FoxPro Usergroup) may be of interest:

Please inform your readers/customers/users in your next issue / email that a free patch for VFP 9.0 is available to run it on NT 4.0.

The patch has been created by the German FoxPro User Group ( and can be found at the dFPUG document portal in the directory

so VFP-developers do not need to wait any more to buy an update of VFP 9.0 if they or their customers still use NT4.

Some Technical details what the patch program does:

1. vfp90nt4.dll is copied to Windows system directory
2. vfp9r.dll and vfp9t.dll in VFP-Runtime folder at "Shared Files" are
3. vfp9.exe in VFP-program directory is patched.
4. vfp9.exe, vfp9r.dll, vfp9t.dll in same directory are patched.
5. backup copies of all files are made (extension .001, .002 and so on)

A patched VFP9 file will run on any operating system as long as it can find vfp90nt4.dll in the windows system directory or the current directory. The patch program can be forwarded to users if needed but you are not allowed to offer it as an own download - please link to the above mentionend directory instead. Patching executables might cause problems with virus filters and/or licence agreements. No guarantees whatsoever for patch program and results.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Where Is Your Screen?

If you haven't heard this Malcolm Gladwell talk from the the SXSW conference - be sure to give it a listen. It's from March but I was re-listening to it the other morning and wanted to pull it back out.

It's all about how removing information can be on of the best ways to make intelligent decisions.

IT Conversations: Malcolm Gladwell - SXSW Interactive 2005